Our Society is changing in ways that it never has before and what was once uncoventional, is now the norm. As the result many of us have had to change our perspective on our lives and the direction in which our lives are headed.
The Real Estate Business is reflective of that change and this blog will give suggestions on how to navigate through and capitilize on the changing market.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Investment Property More Affordable than Ever

Look online today and see the market report that home prices ( nationally ) have hit post recession lows. These statistics are framed as a doom and gloom story that mass media thrives on, but when you read between the lines and look for the opportunity in your own back yard, you'll find good news.
As an Investor, this is the kind of news that makes you salivate. While everyone is running away from the fire, you're running toward it. In Chester, Delaware and Philly Counties, you can buy a distressed property at below market value that's in move in condition, rent it out, receive monthly cash flow, write off the interest and sell for profit in 36 months or less if you buy it right.
The only thing that this news tells me is that there is more opportunity to invest in real estate nationwide than there has been in years.

Christopher J. Edwards

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