Our Society is changing in ways that it never has before and what was once uncoventional, is now the norm. As the result many of us have had to change our perspective on our lives and the direction in which our lives are headed.
The Real Estate Business is reflective of that change and this blog will give suggestions on how to navigate through and capitilize on the changing market.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sales Increases in Local Markets

I just posted on a Facebook Group of mine some statistics on sales increases in local markets.
The reason I post things like that is so that people know the actual facts on the ground and not go off of national news stats, or what their brothers girlfriends cousins best friend said once.
When your buying, selling, renting or investing in Real Estate one of the main components of determining a fair price are the comps. ( comparable homes that have recently been sold in the area ) Many times comps are taken from a half mile radius of the property in question and based on completed sales within the last 90 days.
The old saying that all real estate is local is very true when pulling comps.

So the next time you see a report on the news that says home sales are still crap.. think about this article, do a little homework, or call someone like me to give you the real time stats for your area.

Christopher J. Edwards
Ph: 484-319-0223